How to Increase Engagement With a Physical Therapy Patient Engagement Software

How to Promote Patient Engagement in the Rehab Therapy Landscape

When it comes to increasing engagement, physical therapy is the perfect industry. There is a direct connection between the patient and their care providers that leads to a better overall experience. Unfortunately, some roadblocks prevent this from happening as often as it should. If you want your practice to be more successful, then you need a way to increase engagement. The key to doing this is finding physical therapy patient engagement software that allows you to track and measure success while also giving patients access to their records through an app or website portal where they can communicate with their therapist before their appointments and after them.

The ability to track and measure the success of your practice

In addition to being a tool that makes it easy for patients to track their progress, an engagement tracker also allows you to track and measure the success of your practice. That’s right—you can use it as a core business intelligence tool.

To do so, you can use this software to create customized reports and dashboards. You can compare data across multiple locations. You can even track data over time, which is useful for long-term goals or strategic planning purposes like annual performance reviews or marketing campaigns that focus on improving patient engagement scores year after year

A centralized hub for patient communication

A centralized hub for patient communication is an important part of getting the most out of your physical therapy software. It’s a place where you can store and organize all of your patient information, documents, photos, videos, and surveys in one place. You can then use this hub to share information and resources with your patients, whether they’re coming in for physical therapy or just inquiring about your services.

Involvement in the treatment process

When your patients are more involved in the treatment process, they’re more likely to feel that they have a say in their recovery. This can lead to greater retention and loyalty, as well as better overall outcomes.

With patient engagement software, you can easily collect feedback from your patients during appointments or at any other time of day. You can also use it to encourage them to submit questions through a prompt message, which helps you get ahead of common concerns and questions before they even arise.

The ability to connect with patients outside the therapy room

The ability to connect with patients outside the therapy room is an integral part of building a strong patient-therapist relationship. After all, you want your patients to feel comfortable enough with you that they would choose your physical therapy practice over one of the many others that are available.

The value of patient engagement has been shown repeatedly in studies on the subject. These studies have found that a higher level of engagement among patients led to better clinical outcomes for them. This can be attributed to several factors:


The average patient engagement rate has remained stagnant for years. The most common reason for low engagement is that patients don’t know what to do when it comes time for them to return home and continue their recovery on their own. Physical therapy patient engagement software can help you increase your engagement rate, which means happier patients, and more positive reviews and referrals.